

Comparing our pricing plans side-by-side so you can choose the best
one for yourself.

Features and Services
Max Keywords
  • 10
  • 20
  • 30
Website & Competitor Analysis
  • Max 1 Site
  • Max 3 Sites
  • Max 5 Sites
Initial Ranking Report
Keywords Reserch & Selection
Meta Tag Creation
  • 15 Pages
  • 30 Pages
  • 50 Pages
URL Structure
Content Optimization
Image Optimization
Heading Tag Optimization
Page Speed Optimization
Robots.txt Creation & Analysis
Sitemap Creation
Google Analytics & Search Console Setup & Configuration
Blog Optimization
  • 2 Posts
  • 5 Posts
  • 10 Posts
Internal Linking Optimization
Onsite Blog Posting
  • (300-600 Words) - 1
  • (300-600 Words) - 2
  • (300-600 Words) - 3
Client Support
  • Email & Chat
  • Email, Chat & Call
  • Email, Chat & Call

Our Passion Our Success
Tectignis builds the web that fuels their growth

Try our service now!

Eyerything you need to accept cord payments and grow your business
anywhere on the planet.

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