

Comparing our pricing plans side-by-side so you can choose the best
one for yourself.

Features and Services
Max Keywords
  • 10
  • 20
  • 30
Website & Competitor Analysis
  • Max 1 Site
  • Max 3 Sites
  • Max 5 Sites
Initial Ranking Report
Keywords Reserch & Selection
Meta Tag Creation
  • 15 Pages
  • 30 Pages
  • 50 Pages
URL Structure
Content Optimization
Image Optimization
Heading Tag Optimization
Page Speed Optimization
Robots.txt Creation & Analysis
Sitemap Creation
Google Analytics & Search Console Setup & Configuration
Blog Optimization
  • 2 Posts
  • 5 Posts
  • 10 Posts
Internal Linking Optimization
Onsite Blog Posting
  • (300-600 Words) - 1
  • (300-600 Words) - 2
  • (300-600 Words) - 3
Client Support
  • Email & Chat
  • Email, Chat & Call
  • Email, Chat & Call
Features and Services
Blog Posting
  • (500-700 Words) - 1
  • (500-700 Words) - 2
  • (500-700 Words) - 3
Artical Writing
  • (500-700 Words) - 1
  • (500-700 Words) - 2
  • (500-700 Words) - 3
Social Sharing
  • 30 Total
  • 40 Total
  • 50 Total
Blog Social Sharing
Slide Submissions
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
Text Infographic Creation
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
Image Submission
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
Q & A
  • 1
  • 3
  • 5
Keyword Report Ranking
Acquired links Report
Guest Bloging
Broken Backlink Building
Alerts & Mention
Resource Link Building
Link Roundups
Competitor Backlink Research
Video Creation
Client Support
  • Email & Chat
  • Email, Chat & Call
  • Email, Chat & Call


Comparing our pricing plans side-by-side so you can choose the best
one for yourself.

Features and Services
Local Citations
  • 10
  • 15
  • 20
Local Classified
  • 10
  • 15
  • 20
Local News Outreach
  • 5
  • 10
  • 15
Google My Business Posting
Google Map Integration On Website
Google My Business Page Setup & Optimization
Business Schema
Client Support
  • Email & Chat
  • Email, Chat & Call
  • Email, Chat & Call

Our Passion Our Success
Tectignis builds the web that fuels their growth